So much is being thrust upon us these days in terms of what is healthy or not healthy. If we look back, we see that as we become more knowledgeable, these theories change.
First it was the Atkins Diet that hit the world by storm, then the Mediterranean Diet and now we have the Low Gi Diet, the Paleo and the Banting Diet... The good news is that Macadamia Nuts has remained high on the list, in all of them, as a major health food, essential to any well balanced diet.
Full of nature's own goodness, this crispy, creamy nut is often described as the world's finest nut. The full extent of its health properties are still being discovered, as they are endless.
There are plenty of websites that have recorded in depth, the scientific studies carried out on Macadamia's, so I would like as a mother and housewife to list as simply as possible some of the major health advantages, as well as allay some of the false concepts held regarding the "fat"content of these nuts.
As mentioned above, macadamia nuts have been recommended as part of all major health diets.
Macadamia nuts have had a bad reputation of being fattening for a long time, mostly because they are high in fat. However, between 78 to 86 percent of that fat is monounsaturated (the good for you, heart-healthy kind of fat). Forget about "fats" being fattening... only synthetic fats are the fats to avoid!
You have two major fuels, carbohydrates and fat. You can either burn carbohydrates or you can burn fat. If you have a diet that is high in carbohydrates, the body then burns carbs and any excess carbs gets deposited as fat, so that you don't actually burn any fat at all. So a low fat, high carb diet is not going to help anyone lose weight. All you are doing is burning carbs and storing fat. If you want to burn fat, you have to lower the carb content in your diet!
Macadamia's are a good choice for low carb diets as they only have 4 grams of net carbs per ½ cup serving.
In addition, macadamia nuts are one of the only food sources that contain palmitoleic acid (a type of monounsaturated fatty acid that may speed up fat metabolism, thus reducing the body's ability to store fat).
Macadamia nuts promote satiety (making you feel fuller for longer) thereby reducing hunger. They also slow down digestion, having a low glycemic index (low GI).
The protein, fibre and "good fats" in macadamia's help stabilize blood sugar to avoid those "sugar cravings".
The Mediterranean Diet has been studied extensively due to the notably low incidence of chronic disease and the high life-expectancy of these populations. The general consensus is that it is healthier than the American diet because more nuts and grains, such as pasta and couscous, fruits, vegetables, legumes and olive oil are consumed. It is recommended on this diet that a handful of tree nuts (approx. 30g) be eaten daily. 40% of the food energy in this diet comes from fat!
The Low GI Diet is based on the principle of eating foods with a low glycaemic index. The glycaemic index (GI) is a scientific ranking of foods based on their immediate effect on blood sugar levels. Carbohydrate foods that break down quickly during digestion have the highest glycaemic indices (GIs of 70 or above). Their blood sugar response is fast and high. Carbohydrates that break down slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the bloodstream, have low glycaemic indices (GIs of less than 55). Macadamia nuts are therefore classified as a LOW GI food.
The Atkins Diet was based on high protein (later determined to be unbalanced over a long period).
Several studies have shown that diets containing moderate fat levels promote satiety and have been more sustainable and enjoyable in the long term. Low fat diets on the other hand have often been unsatisfying and difficult to maintain.
Providing macadamia nuts are eaten in moderation and are substituted and not "in addition" to other foods, there is evidence that they do not contribute to weight gain, but will rather reduce it!
As a natural plant food, one of the major benefits of macadamia nuts is that it has 0% cholesterol and does not contain any trans fatty acids.
It is no wonder the Australian National Heart Foundation has issued its approved tick to all in the macadamia nut industry!
The reason Heart disease and Diabetes is on the increase is mainly due to synthetic fats, the reason being that the cell walls' membrane is 75% fat and needs fat to function properly.
Unfortunately, the membrane cannot tell the difference between natural fat and synthetic fat. The synthetic fat (trans-fatty acids), hardens and thickens, forming a fatty plaque, which causes a swelling of the wall, preventing protein, sugar and fat from being absorbed into the cell. In a heart attack, it is often this fatty plaque that has ruptured into the channel and formed a huge clot in the arteries.
Synthetic fats stop sugar getting into our cell, so the body tries to compensate by increasing insulin levels so as to push the sugar through - this makes us feel tired because the cells aren't getting nourished properly.
Trans-fatty acids are found in any processed foods, particularly fast-food take-aways.
The antidotes to trans-fatty acids are essential fatty acids and mono-unsaturated fats! i.e we have to have a diet high in "good" fats like fish, avocado and macadamia nuts!
* Research has shown that a handful of nuts (approx 30g) eaten daily can reduce bad cholesterol levels by as much as 7% over a period of 4 weeks!
- Mono-unsaturated fatty acids: The Macadamia nut contains the highest level of mono-unsaturated fatty acids of any natural commercial food! About 80% of a macs energy comes from mono-unsaturated fat - more than any other nut. These fatty acids work to improve the balance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids, thereby facilitating the body's manufacture of essential fatty acids. These fatty acids also actively reduce cholesterol and keep triglycerides low. They play a vital part in reducing your risk of stroke and heart disease.
- Palmitoleic acid found in beneficial fish oils is also found in the oil of macadamia's (in its highest known levels) and has even better properties than oleic acid (found in olive oil) This acid works to stabilise the rhythm in the heart, as well as speed up metabolism.
- Anti-oxidants found in macadamia nuts scavenge the free radicals that odixize blood fats. The presence of anti-oxidants are vital for the prevention of cancer and heart disease. They also boost our immune systems and help slow the ageing process.
Many of us have had to deal with the development of ADD and ADHD in our children.
- Protein is found in concentrated levels in macadamia nuts. Protein is critical for making brain neurotransmitters, strengthening immunity and maintaining mean muscle mass and tone, as well as, connective tissue and blood plasma development.
- Protein, fibre and "good" fats (all found in macadamia nuts) are needed to stabilize blood sugars. Blood sugar control is critical. All people are affected by rapidly rising sugar which then cascades down quickly and too low. The most noticeable effects are on brain function, especially mood and attention. When the blood sugar drops too quickly, there can be irritability, hunger headaches, lack of focus, behaviour problems and craving for a "quick sugar fix" which deeps the cycle going. This interferes with learning and can be disruptive to class. Macadamia nuts are a smart protein-packed lunch-box choice.
- Amino Acids - Macadamia nuts contain ALL the essential amino acids, with most of these being present at optimum levels.
- L-Arginine is one of the major amino acids found in macadamia's. Humans need a large source of it every day. It is the precursor to nitric oxide which is responsible for opening up the blood vessels.
Dietary fibre is the term for carbohydrates that are resistant to enzyme digestion in the stomach and thus pass through into the digestive tract, where they promote desirable intestinal bacteria and beneficial physiological processes.
The dietary fibre found in macadamia's is essentially the cell walls within the kernel (nut itself).
- Promotes satiety (makes you feel fuller for longer) and reduces hunger
- Provides roughage
- Slows digestion
- Reduces bowel cancer and irritable bowel syndrome
- Promotes desirable intestinal bacteria
- Reduces constipation and haemorrhoids
Selenium is a phytosterol (a key enzyme in a major anti-oxidant) also found in macadamia nuts. This is recognized as having an anti-cancer effect, as well as behaving as an anti-inflammatory assisting in the control of rheumatoid arthritis
- We have already discussed the high protein content in macadamia nuts essential to a healthy balanced diet for vegetarians.
- Minerals like Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium and Magnesium are found in macadamia nuts in rich quantities, as well as significant levels of Zinc, copper, and *selenium.
- Vital vitamins found in macadamia nuts are:
- Vitamin E ...an important anti-oxidant which protects cell walls and red blood cells.
- Thiamine (B1) ...a co-enzyme important in releasing energy from carbohydrates.
- Niacin ...converts food into energy and promotes healthy skin.
- Riboflavin (B2)...important in the growth of new tissues, healthy skin and eyes.
- Pantothenic Acid (B5)...promotes a healthy nervous system and releases energy.
- Folate...assists in forming red blood cells and in utilization of protein.
- Carbohydrates supply energy to the body and are found present in macadamia's in the form of sucrose, fructose, glucose and maltose (the simple carbohydrates) as well as some starch based carbohydrates.
People who make a habit of having 10-15 natural nuts per day (raw or dry roasted) have a 50% reduction in heart disease, which has been proven by five different major studies. This is due to the mono-unsaturated fats, the omega-3, the improvement in the stability of the heart and the proteins that contain L-arginine that open up your blood vessels. The mono-unsaturated fats in macadamias are also 'fat burners' - they don't make you put on weight - unless you over indulge. They also thin your blood, which reduces your thrombosis risk, they improve your fibre and therefore your bowel health, and finally, they taste fantastic!
Macadamias![]() |
30g (10-12 kernels) of raw macadamia nuts contains: 2.24g protein 204 calories 2.4g fiber |
Potassium - 104 mg Phosphorus - 53 mg Calcium - 24 mg Magnesium - 37 mg Iron - 1.05 mg Sodium - 1 mg Manganese - 1.171 mg Zinc - 0.37 mg Copper - 0.214 mg Selenium - 1 mcg Also contains trace amounts of other minerals |
Vitamin C - 0.3 mg Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.339 mg Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.046 mg Niacin - 0.701 mg Pantothenic Acid - 0.215 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.078 mg Folate - 3 mcg Vitamin E - 0.15 mg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts |
Note: only those nutrients which appear in significant quantities are listed. For more detailed information, please visit the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food & Nutrition Center.
None of the products on this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it our intention to prescribe any course of therapy. The descriptions on our website are for educational purposes only.
None of the products on this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it our intention to prescribe any course of therapy. The descriptions on our website are for educational purposes only.